Student Solution


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8-3 Discussion

8-3 Discussion

Q P-hacking is a new way people can manipulate data to show correlations between variables—variables that actually have no correlation whatsoever. • Watch the P-Hacking: Crash Course Statistics #30 video for a more thorough understanding. • Then, look at Spurious Correlations: Graphs Show Correlation Between Completely Unrelated Stats, or read 10 Crazy Correlations Between Unrelated Things, which show p-hacking in action. • Additionally, watch this Rethinking Research Data TED Talk video. If you are interested in politics and want to try p-hacking for yourself, use the Hack Your Way to Scientific Glory website to find trends between the two major political parties in the United States. P-hacking is a way to tell the truth in a mathematical sense by finding correlations. In your initial discussion post, answer the following question: • Do you think p-hacking is ethical? o How can the media and/or society respond to this issue in an informed way? o How might it impact our daily lives? o How should this new information impact you as a researcher (in your line of work or in your degree)? In your responses to your peers, politely disagree, or extend the ideas in their initial post. To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document

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I do not think p-hacking is ethical. Any act that will help the researcher get results that are altered is unethical. I understand that this can come as an honest mistake at times, but a researcher must be able to do thorough jobs to ensure that the outcome of their research is true to the best of their knowledge. P-hacking will destroy the truth-finding responsibility and make the whole research work waste time and effort.